Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What is the spanish translation of conformity( when people's beliefs or behavior are influenced by others)?

I think the right word is "conformismo". This is the definition given by the dictionary of the Real Academia Espa帽ola:

Conformismo: Pr谩ctica de quien f谩cilmente se adapta a cualquier circunstancia de car谩cter p煤blico o privado.

...which is more or less the definition you gave.

I麓m Spanish :)What is the spanish translation of conformity( when people's beliefs or behavior are influenced by others)?
ok that's a hard one, but

meaby in spanish is CONFORMIDAD...and this word have so many means, more than u propose in the answer.

so that's it...

shukran ilal liqaa, see ya later cuz
I would say it is "conformismo".What is the spanish translation of conformity( when people's beliefs or behavior are influenced by others)?
Hello my friend as the other answers I would agree with the translation of Conformidad. However when you say that a person's beliefs influence by others? I would call a person like that in Spanish Marjinada, which means that the person lets someone make decisions for them.

I hope this helpsWhat is the spanish translation of conformity( when people's beliefs or behavior are influenced by others)?
weeeeeeelll...."conformar" is to conform :]


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