Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Unable to find the Spanish translation of the word "bulgur" in any of 4 dictionaries, please help me !

It seems to mean "cracked wheat" in English and the word is often found in cooking recipes.Unable to find the Spanish translation of the word "bulgur" in any of 4 dictionaries, please help me !
You wont, Bulgur is a description word for the wheat, therefore wouldnt have a translation. Kamut changes the description of what it is
maybe you just say "bulgur", even in spanish.Unable to find the Spanish translation of the word "bulgur" in any of 4 dictionaries, please help me !
bulgur-blughul-Middle East or North Africa-made from serveral different wheat species,but most often from durum wheat.Unable to find the Spanish translation of the word "bulgur" in any of 4 dictionaries, please help me !
Spanish translation:Bulgur, Kamut,

"Qu茅 alimentos emplean que no son comunes?

DR%26gt;Existe una amplia gama de cereales que suelen ser desconocidos para la gente, que b谩sicamente consume trigo y arroz. Se pueden preparar recetas muy variadas usando mijo, quinoa, polenta, bulgur, cuscus, sarraceno, etc. Otro ingrediente que nos ha descubierto la cocina oriental son las algas (las verduras del mar), hay una gran cantidad de variedades comestibles, y aportan un toque delicioso a muchos platos. Otro ejemplo son los germinados, tambi茅n habituales en la cocina oriental."

驴Por qu茅?, implement茅 la dieta libre de Gluten (prote铆na principal del trigo y otros granos como la cebada, la avena, el centeno, el kamut y la espalta) y Case铆na (prote铆na encontrada en la leche de vaca y de cabra).

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