Friday, January 27, 2012

What is the literal Spanish translation of Ah! Caramba?

What is the literal Spanish translation of Ah! Caramba!What is the literal Spanish translation of Ah! Caramba?
There is no exact translation of Ay Caramba. It comes from saying a more ruder word, Carajo. It is like saying holycrap instead of holyshit.

The correct way is Ay Caramba not Ah Caramba ;)
Example of Oldie; On " I LOVE LUCY" When Lucy would do some extremely crazy stunt, Ricky would yelp" Ay Caramba.".

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What is the literal Spanish translation of Ah! Caramba?
There is no literal translation of Caramba; it started off as a euphemism for a much ruder word (Carajo) but is now so

mild (like "Gosh!") that the two words are not even associated with each other mow.

By the way, Spanish-speakers are more likely to say "隆Ay caramba!" than "隆Ah caramba!"; "Ah!" sounds very English!What is the literal Spanish translation of Ah! Caramba?
it's like if one said: oh sh*t, or oh f*ck, of course... it ain't a curse word... though that word ain't used that much in Mexico anymore, cursing words work better, LOL
There's not really a literal translation; it's just an expression of surprise or dismay. Some people even say it in the US.
"Ay! Caramba". Buena suerte
Oh! Golly!
The *literal* translation is "Oh! Wow"
it is like "oh gosh" or "oh crap"
it means like "good gracious" or "oh my gosh"

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