Thursday, February 9, 2012

I need a Spanish Translation please for an expression:?

Ok, in English when someone is not thinking for themselves, like they are brainwashed or controlled by someone else, For example, we say "Stop drinking the Kool-Aid" because the person is so brainwashed just like the persons who were following that Jim Jones cult that they drank the Kool-Aid, what I am wondering or needing actually, is the Spanish version of this. Please help, I really, really, need this.I need a Spanish Translation please for an expression:?
Ok, Ill just make some sentence up so it says something similar..

"C贸rtate los hilos de marioneta!, piensa por ti mismo/a (boy and girl respectively)" (cut off your puppet strings!, think for yourself!)

hope you liked it :)I need a Spanish Translation please for an expression:?
Ok, en Ingl茅s cuando alguien no est谩 pensando para s铆 mismos, como son lavado de cerebro o controlada por otra persona, por ejemplo, decimos "Deja de beber el Kool-Aid" porque la persona es tan lavado el cerebro al igual que las personas que estaban siguiendo de que Jim Jones culto que bebieron el Kool-Aid

It's very vivid, but there you go.

Hope this helped!!

CrazyArtPersonI need a Spanish Translation please for an expression:?
"No te dejes manipular"

I always say that when a person is controled by someone...

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