Friday, February 3, 2012

Who out there, is great at English to Spanish translation?

I need some help with, what I thought at the time would be an easy translation from English to Spanish, but so far that has not been the case. I am rich with Spanish speakers in my family but non of them seem to agree on a translation of the following simple slogan:

"Making memories live forever %26amp; your best times even better."

So if any one would like to give it a try, I would be most appreciative. Thank youWho out there, is great at English to Spanish translation?
"Haciendo que los recuerdos de la vida duren para siempre y los mejores momentos de la vida sean todav铆a mejores."
Haciendo memorias vive por siempre %26amp; tus mejores 茅pocas incluso betterWho out there, is great at English to Spanish translation?
"Haciendo vivir los recuerdos para siempre, y tus mejores momentos a煤n mejores"

Being as you say a slogan, I would rather say: "Mantenga sus recuerdos vivos para siempre, y haga sus mejores momentos a煤n mejores"

Hope it helps.

Who out there, is great at English to Spanish translation?

best site ever.

should help you alot!

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